University of Zadar | eISSN 1847-7755 | SIC.JOURNAL.CONTACT@GMAIL.COM
The articles presented in the 18th issue of [sic] discuss, in broad terms, the ways in which literary and cultural phenomena manage to transcend the temporal and spatial framework into which they were born. They thus provide understandings and intuitions with continuing relevance, and their impact extends – regardless of when they were created – well into the future. In the opening article, Dejan Durić and Željka Matijašević analyze the concept of intensity through psychoanalytic lenses, as it evolves from the 1960s counterculture toward the present-day forms of capitalism. Krešimir Vuković delves into the imagery of classical literature and explores what insights Homer, Hesiod, and Callimachus offered for future authors. Finally, Korana Serdarević turns toward teaching methodology and tackles the issue of whether 19th century literature can help shape the views of today’s (and tomorrow’s) society. ...
In an age when social media dominate everyday lives of many people across the globe and with the rise of VR games, Netflix, fake news, and 3D printers, it is evident that (digital) technology has become an integral part of everyday life. Online games make new spaces of communication and cooperation that cross the seemingly established borders of nation-states, discussions about online and offline communities gain more prominence each year, and social networks have brought to the fore many scholarly works dealing with various questions about identity, culture, and identification. In this context, a comprehensive guide on or overview of how we could approach these issues in the academic context was scarce. Grant Bollmer’s book titled Theorizing Digital Cultures provides a way of approaching these, somewhat new issues, providing specific tools, i.e. terms and concepts that could help many future researchers of digital culture. What makes this work even more important is the fact that it i...
The active function of monuments is one of the numerous core beliefs of the Russian society both during and after the Soviet era. In the Russian urban space, several monuments keep on rising and still attract an inextinguishable attention towards their symbolic meaning. This situation could lead to a suffocating idea of culture. In a country, the “monumentalization” of its heroes from a past culture, with its characteristic plastic rhetoric, tends to oversimplify the models of the collective memory and opts for static postures, “frozen-up” in a cultural canon. Within this research field, Russian antiquity deserves specific attention, due to the fact that contemporary literature takes a considerable role in redefining its features. The paper will cover some of the most original works that stand out from this literary trend, such as Tatyana Tolstaya’s novel The Slynx, Boris Akunin’s Altyn-Tolobas, and Evgeny Vodolazkin’s Laurus.Keywords: monuments, monumentalization, ancient Russian cult...
The idea of the landlord's estate as “paradise on land,” traditional in the Russian culture of the late 19th and early 20th century, evolved in the literature of the 1910s and 1920s into the idea of the city-garden, which united the “beginning” and “ends” of the image of Biblical paradise – the Old Testament Eden and the Apocalyptic New Jerusalem. The substrate of the city-garden mythologem became the "estate topos," which indicates its plasticity and significant heuristic potential, i.e. not only its belonging to the former landowner estate of the 19th century, but also its ability to create new cultural modifications, such as the “city of the future” by V. V. Khlebnikov or the “city garden” in the prose of A. N. Tolstoy and in the Soviet poetry of the 1920s.Keywords: paradise, topics, landowner estate, estate topos, “city of the future,” “city-garden,” the first third of the 20th century, A. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Khlebnikov, V. V. Mayakovsky
In the center of our attention is the postapocalyptic situation in Andrei Platonov´s novel Chevengur, which is characterized by the absence of labor. This fact does not give evidence of the paradise for which the chiliasts strove but turns out to be one of the main reasons of its self-destruction. The author´s argumentation is built on the confrontation of the beginning and the end of the novel. In both cases, labor is represented in an unusually strange way. But in fact, there is a principal difference between these two representations of labor. In the first case, we are dealing with the rising line of the transition from peasant’s craft to proletarian labor, whereas the development of the “economy” of Chevengur is shown as a process of decline.Keywords: post/apocalyptic, chiliasm, laborU literaturi o romanu Čevengur (1926. – 1928.) nerijetko se spominju dva termina – apokalipsa i hilijazam (ili milenarizam). Apokalipsa je općenitiji termin koji označava eshatološku predodžbu kraja sv...
Radionica prevođenja poezije na Pašmanu(Punt rere punt, 2014.Tragom jednog eseja Drage Jančara(La disfressa dels arbres, 2008.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(La disfressa dels arbres, 2008.)Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen(Neobjavljena)Emily Dickinson(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)