Future Insights

No. 2 - Year 9 - 06/2019

University of Zadar | eISSN 1847-7755 | SIC.JOURNAL.CONTACT@GMAIL.COM


The articles presented in the 18th issue of [sic] discuss, in broad terms, the ways in which literary and cultural phenomena manage to transcend the temporal and spatial framework into which they were born. They thus provide understandings and intuitions with continuing relevance, and their impact extends – regardless of when they were created – well into the future. In the opening article, Dejan Durić and Željka Matijašević analyze the concept of intensity through psychoanalytic lenses, as it evolves from the 1960s counterculture toward the present-day forms of capitalism. Krešimir Vuković delves into the imagery of classical literature and explores what insights Homer, Hesiod, and Callimachus offered for future authors. Finally, Korana Serdarević turns toward teaching methodology and tackles the issue of whether 19th century literature can help shape the views of today’s (and tomorrow’s) society. ...

Future Insights
Ol'ga Sazontchik, Friedrich Schiller University, Germany:

Taking as a reference one of the best-known works of science-fiction genre in general and the Soviet nauchnaya fantastika in particular, the novel Monday Begins on Saturday by the Strugatsky Brothers, the author attempts to investigate a special variant of the elaboration of the theme of beginning and end, which (especially in combination with the problems of space and time) seems to be a bizarre mixture of literary-cultural (including intertextual) and natural-scientific approaches to the subject and may be considered as the basic issue of the Strugatskys’ text. Single parts of the text, sequentially and in a multi-faceted connection with each other, develop the themes of internal and external space and time in their constitutive disturbances and infinity. The first part of the novel deals above all with the space outside of the Scientific Research Institute of Sorcery and Wizardry, as well as with the problem of the closure and (non-)transparency of diverse borders. The second so-cal...

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.pub.5
Future Insights
Roman Bobryk, Siedlce University of Natural Science and Humanities, Poland:

Most cultures mythologize their "beginnings." At the same time, there seems to be no culture or artistic formation to mention its "end." The only issue that is discussed is the end of the others. The end as such is also often strongly mythologized and takes an apocalyptic form. However, in Wisława Szymborska’s poetry we can see the "end" being clearly demythologized (both in its common sense and in the individual one – as the end of one’s life). In her poems, every "end" is simultaneously the "beginning" of something new. In the individual sense, this demythologization takes the form of juxtaposing the insignificance of human existence with the vastness of the world. Consequently, the death of a man does not mean the end of the world.Keywords: Szymborska Wislawa, Polish poety of 20th century, demythologizingUpotreba kategorija početka i kraja jedan je od simptoma doživljavanja svijeta kao nečega što je moguće izmjeriti. Same kategorije početka i kraja dobivaju u kulturi dva različita o...

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.pub.6
Literature and Culture
Krešimir Vuković, Catholic University of Croatia, Croatia:

This paper discusses the use of caves in Ovid’s works. It focuses on several passages from Ars Amatoria, Fasti, and Metamorphoses in which Ovid uses cave imagery as part of his Golden age discourse. Ovid’s use of cave as a motif in Golden age imagery is distinct from his Greek predecessors (Homer, Hesiod, and Callimachus) whose works he heavily drew on. Caves are sometimes dangerous, but most often they are presented as places of refuge, where one finds privacy from prying eyes including the gaze of Augustus, whose moral laws Ovid criticized.Keywords: Ovid, Augustus, adultery, caves, Roman literature, intertextuality, Hesiod, Homer, CallimachusOd prapovijesti špilje su bile mjesta osobitog vjerskog i kultnog značaja. Špilje su pružale sklonište čovjeku kad nije imao doma. Nije čudno da nam najraniji prikazi odnosa čovjeka s prirodom dolaze iz poznatih špilja Altamira i Lascaux, gdje nalazimo umjetnost velikog značaja za povijest čovječanstva.

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.lc.2
Literature and Culture
Zlatko Bukač, University of Zadar, Croatia:

In an age when social media dominate everyday lives of many people across the globe and with the rise of VR games, Netflix, fake news, and 3D printers, it is evident that (digital) technology has become an integral part of everyday life. Online games make new spaces of communication and cooperation that cross the seemingly established borders of nation-states, discussions about online and offline communities gain more prominence each year, and social networks have brought to the fore many scholarly works dealing with various questions about identity, culture, and identification. In this context, a comprehensive guide on or overview of how we could approach these issues in the academic context was scarce. Grant Bollmer’s book titled Theorizing Digital Cultures provides a way of approaching these, somewhat new issues, providing specific tools, i.e. terms and concepts that could help many future researchers of digital culture. What makes this work even more important is the fact that it i...

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.lc.4
Literature and Culture
Tomislav Denegri, University of Zadar, Croatia:

From Homer’s Odyssey and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe to Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, the sea has always featured prominently in Western literature. Stories of voyages over (or under) boundless oceans, tales of mutiny and piracy, of treasure and adventure, have all become an integral part of our literary tradition. And while it was frequently admired, the sea’s capricious nature and fathomless depths have often led to it being feared in equal measure. Compiled and edited by Mike Ashley, From the Depths and Other Strange Tales of the Sea is an anthology comprising fifteen lesser known stories taken from other collections and pulp magazines dating back to the early 20th century, which ably illustrates that period’s fascination with the sea, especially with its more fantastical and uncanny aspects.The collection opens strongly with an invitingly horrific, if somewhat traditional ghost ship story. Albert A. Wetjen’s “The Ship of Sil...

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.lc.5
Literary Translation
Xavier Farré and Grupa prevoditelja:

Radionica prevođenja poezije na Pašmanu(Punt rere punt, 2014.Tragom jednog eseja Drage Jančara(La disfressa dels arbres, 2008.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(La disfressa dels arbres, 2008.)Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen(Neobjavljena)Emily Dickinson(Punt rere punt, 2014.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)(Inventari de fronteres, 2006.)

DOI: 10.15291/sic/2.9.lt.1