University of Zadar | eISSN 1847-7755 | SIC.JOURNAL.CONTACT@GMAIL.COM
Welcome to the latest issue of [sic], where we continue our tradition of drawing upon multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives to explore the vast and varied landscape of literature, culture, and literary translation....
Vratio sam se Cioranu, točnije, prevođenju njegova djela Civilizirani čovjek: Portret. Mislim da nitko od nas pisaca na arapskome jeziku ne propituje manjkavosti i paradokse ovoga našega slučajna postojanja tako realistično i pronicljivo kao ovaj Rumunj, do grla u tako nesvetim vodama. Preveo sam Finsku rapsodiju Johna Ashberyja. Dugo sam se s njom borio. Ovaj veliki pjesnik doista sjajno radi dvije stvari koje volim: u jeku stvaranja ne razmišlja o čitateljima i dijeli nekoliko zajedničkih točaka s Cioranom. *Dragi Hassane, Prije više od deset godina odrekla sam se duhana, što znači da sam se riješila navike i više mi ne nedostaje nakon jutarnje kave! Ipak, nove navike utabale su svoje puteve u mojoj dnevnoj rutini. Naravno, većinom su to bezazlene navike, neke su čak i blagotvorna i ugodna uživancija za nekoliko vidova fragmentirana bića poput mene (Pascal je ponudio generalizaciju i usporedio čovjeka s mislećom trskom koja drhturi na vjetru). Sjedim dugo pred kompjuterom, koji mi je...
Ljestve poput pupkovine ispadaju iz helikoptera do žene u vodi pod njim, a mi stojimo na rtu, sleđenih srca, širom otvorenih očiju i usta, i dok lopatice helikoptera razjaruju more, žena pada s daske i nestaje pod površinom, i svi uzdišemo kao jedan, a ja, inače nesklona molitvi, padam na koljena, zazivam svetoga Brendana Moreplovca, i svetoga Nikolu Preobratitelja Pirata, i Stellu Maris, blistavu zvijezdu mora, i Mami Wata od Kariba, da je spase, da se smiluju toj prestravljenoj ženi; i svi se ti slani sveci u kovitlacu sjate i nad njom lebde, a mi gledamo, puni strahopoštovanja, kako ta žena kao uznesena njihovim moćima izranja iz valova, rukom hvata prečku konopa i diže se sve više i više dok ne sleti na travu na litici, iznova rođena.Ja sam ta koja je snimila fotografiju princeze i njezinih nožnih prstiju u ustima muškarca koji joj nije muž. Nisam je namjeravala snimiti. Poslali su me da ih pratim, ali uopće nisam htjela biti ondje, ni najmanje. Dan je već bio dug i težak.Naslonila...
Kad su dva mladunca lava i tri čegrtuše proglašene nestalima, istražitelji su otkrili da je ravnatelj zoološkog vrta Charles Hunt (58) ujedno trgovao kožama divljih životinja.
Nesiguran kojom ulicom krenuti, György Szerb, ugledni mađarski kartograf koji je u grad došao na svadbu, zakoračio je na cestu i istoga ga je trena udario auto. /p>
Nakon što je desetljećima slušao vlastiti glas snimljen 1977. u studiju u Hammersmithu, kako najavljuje postaje, Herbert Stift (48) bacio se pod nadolazeći vlak.
Kližući po dvorcu Hampton Court u pustenim papučama, da ne ošteti podove...
The Blue Street owed its name to the sapphire fumes of opium and calm-fruit coming out of the pipes of glass hookahs. The buildings were colourful and winding, and everybody seemed to be high or drunk. Or both. Violence was almost unheard of, as the guilds of thieves kept a close eye on everything, well aware that blood would only draw in the city guard, giving the trade council the reason to jump up on their feet and begin preaching about the decay of civil virtue, of which Silktown, of course, had none. “Does Oak know we’re leaving?”“Only Crow and Blackbird know,” he smirked. “So, it’s only a matter of time when all the crew, together every drunkard in the docks, finds out.” “Don’t you trust our brothers?”“Crow I trust, I trust Blackbird too, but I trust his love for mead more.”“Who taught you to be so vicious?”“Why, you, of course.”“You couldn’t have learned anything nice from me, could you?” Needle looked at her with a hint of gentleness and curiosity. “Only the bad stuff?”“Like wh...
Emancipation narratives in the U.S. feminist literature of the late 1960s and 1970s constructed the female identity in line with the feminist slogan "the personal is political." The heroine, constrained by gender roles in the private sphere, realizes that her personal problems have broader social causes, so she changes her life to create a new self that conflicts with traditional female roles. The emancipation of the protagonist Mira of The Women's Room written by Marilyn French, follows the genre conventions of the feminist Bildungsroman which shows Mira’s journey from a mad housewife to a Harvard graduate. Even though the novel shows that the personal becomes political in the emancipation of the heroine from the constraints of the female private sphere, the novel fails to convey the optimism of broader change in the depiction of Mira’s friends whose lives show that emancipation is a long and difficult journey indeed.Keywords: emancipation narratives, feminist Bildungsroman, The Women...
I WAS in three languages and I died in all three of them.
So how come you still speak?
I wound myself around the bodies of three nations and then I sought an escape.
Then why haven't you yet?
I echoed every poem, every word three times then I fell silent.
Have you finally forgotten about them, so you may begin anew?
I entered the hearts of three women and I devoured each.
What have you done with...