Riccardo Nicolosi has been full professor of Slavic Literatures at the LMU Munich since 2014. His research focuses on the literatures and cultures of Russia and Southeastern Europe (Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia). His latest publications explore the rhetorical and narrative interfaces between literature and science, with a specific focus on psychiatry, evolutionary biology, criminology, and on thought experiments in different disciplines. He has also published on the semiotics of urban space (St. Petersburg/Leningrad, Sarajevo), on the construction of national identities (Bosnia, Turkmenistan), as well as on the Stalinist aesthetics. Riccardo Nicolosi is the author of Die Petersburg-Panegyrik. Russische Stadtliteratur im 18. Jahrhundert (2002; Russian Translation: Peterburgskii panegirik XVIII veka, 2009) and Degeneration erzählen. Literatur und Psychiatrie im Russland der 1880er und 1890er Jahre (2018; Russian Translation: Vyrozhdenie. Literatura i psikhiatria v russkoi kul'ture kontsa XIX veka, 2019).